Kurt Foerst
"Playing music is a blast. You are in the moment, syncing in with the other players, and having your say. I would play even if I had to all alone in the woods. I guess it is part of me, I have had a guitar in my house since I was 12. Just pick it up and go. I mean they don't call it playing guitar for nothing. Playing doesn't feel like work at all."

Ray Parker
"Music has always been a big part of my life. My mom was a musician so I think it's fair to say that my music education began at birth. As for why I decided to be a bassman you'll have to read my full bio but let me say that I was first drawn to bass at age 12 when I started playing tuba. Bass guitar came only a couple of years later. I love being the guy who lays down the "bottom end".

Diane Beth
"My love for music and performance was supported from an early age by my equally talented parents and family. Whether it was ballet and tap, musical theater, clarinet playing, dance or “made-up- shows” for loved ones, I have been enjoying the “spotlight” for many years."

Lane Kennedy
"I think I have always been a drummer. Even as a baby I played pots and pans with wooden spoons. Eventually I asked my parents for a drum set, but I guess they thought an acoustic guitar would be more convenient. I gave it a fair shot, but ultimately I always gravitated towards percussion."

Jim Kayarian
"Music kind of just-happened to me. I was fortunate enough to have parents that supplied me with a Drum set at age 11. I still do not know why, but it was so cool! My short attention span had me looking for more. I purchased an electric guitar at Radio Shack on Route 44 in Poughkeepsie NY. I was hooked. The guitar gave me a voice, good or bad, it really didn't matter! Self teaching was the only way I could see myself getting better, so I did it and still at it! (But now, YouTube is also my friend!)
Playing music with other humans is the most amazing thing one can do! SWAG let's me keep loving it! Nothing compares."